Thursday, March 1, 2012

Way to go, Kyle!

Kyle has had a bit of a behavior problem in Kindergarten this year.  Nothing major, just lots of talking and not a lot of listening.  Each day Kyle brings home a behavior chart.  If Kyle gets a stamp, that means he’s been good or stayed on “green”.  If Kyle gets on “yellow”, he’s in trouble!  Usually once or twice a week he’ll be on “yellow” for talking and not following directions.  At my wits end, I told Kyle that if he stayed on “green” for the entire month of February, he could go to Toys R’ Us and get anything he wanted.  Yes, I bribed my son into behaving!  This is what he came home with yesterday…


On “green” for the ENTIRE month!!!  We’re off to the toy store tomorrow night!  Now, what to bribe him with in March?!

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