Friday, July 6, 2012

The ABC’s of Kelsie Marie…

Kelsie's hospital pic

Age: 9

Best Friend: Levering

Chores that you hate: Vacuuming the carpets

Dog: Duke

Elementary School: Powhatan

Favorite color: Purple

Grade: Rising 4th grader

Height: 4 feet

Instruments you play: Piano and Recorder

Job in future: Teacher or Waitress

Kool-Aid Flavor: Blueberry

Live: Clayton, NC

Mother's Name: Jennifer

Nicknames: Kelsie Bug, Kelsie Boo, Birdie, Sissy

Overnight hospital stays: Yes, when I was 5 years old and had a kidney infection

Pet you’d like to own: Guinea Pig or Puppy

Quote from a movie or TV show: “Tickle fight, tickle fight, tickle fight” - Buddy the Elf

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Siblings: Kyle (5 year old brother)

Tater Tots or French Fries: French Fries

Unusual Talent: Talking to my dog in a funny voice

Vegetable you hate: Squash

What makes you happy: Singing

X-Rays You've Had: Leg and Arm

Yummy food you like: Broccoli and Mac n’ Cheese

Zoo Animal: Artic Fox



  1. Do you wake her up and immediately pull out the camera?

  2. Haha! I really do! Her and Kyle have "bed-head" in most of their pictures.
